Post-Surge Capacity
2021 Health Trends

Are you tired yet? A lot of your colleagues may be. Professionals and business leaders burst into the pandemic world with incredible amounts of energy and innovation. But as the weeks became months and quarters and … well, that surge capacity and seemingly endless adaptivity has definitely been depleted.
Leaders are looking at this crisis through a new lens: moving from strategies to deal with an acutely stressful situation to managing through indefinite uncertainty. This approach looks at an unfolding, cascading set of challenges that impact every person, every team, every family differently, and tries to create programs and language that keep them all connected and moving forward together..
Critical Question
How do we best support and optimize teams living and working in ways that have profoundly disrupted their lives, families, focus and sense of security?
Sparks for Post-Surge Capacity

Ambiguous Loss: “It’s harder for high achievers. The more accustomed you are to solving problems, to getting things done, to having a routine, the harder it will be on you because none of that is possible right now. You get feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, and those aren’t good.”
— Pauline Boss, PhD, University of Minnesota
Q3 2021: Many trusted analysts are pointing to next fall as the next possibility for near-normal the way we remember it. Even then, offices may convert to “dynamic workplaces” that continue to encourage teams to work virtually, but have space and opportunity to bring them together on select days of the week or against big projects and collaboration moments.
— Wall Street Journal, 2020;
Business Insider, 2020