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Building a Market Access Case for Real World Evidence in Oncology


In the past, payers were skeptical when manufacturers referenced observational studies using real world data (RWD) and real world evidence (RWE) in pricing and formulary discussions. The pandemic set new and durable expectations for speed, with a priority on outcomes in real-world settings. In line with these developments, payer attitudes and perceptions have shifted as well.

Given the importance of market access in determining a product’s commercial success, the shift in payer sentiment suggests manufacturers will put even more energy and resources into RWD/RWE in the coming years, with its use increasing across the entire healthcare landscape. In this paper, Syneos Health experts examine payers’ evolved perception of RWE and RWD in oncology trials and discuss how companies can leverage this evidence to differentiate their oncology products, demonstrate value to payers and document benefits to prescribers and payers in the post-market 


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