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COVID-19 Pandemic Fuels Surge in Telemedicine and Virtual Field Force Engagements


Has the coronavirus pandemic become a boon for telemedicine and teledetailing?

Syneos Health—Snapshot Study

The answer is overwhelmingly “yes”, according to a just-released survey conducted by Syneos Health.


The online Sermo survey conducted on March 25, 2020 reflects the views of 263 US clinicians across a range of specialties.


In direct response to government advisories limiting nonessential travel, physicians have been quick to adopt telemedicine platforms for engaging with patients. While only 19% of practices had set up such platforms prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, today 97% are either establishing such platforms or expect to do so in the near future. Over half (59%) of all practices surveyed set up these portals specifically in response to the pandemic.

Listen to our podcast episode, Telemedicine in the Age of COVID-19, for more information.


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